Letter from Rancho Coastal Humane Society

The value of the donations from My Sister's Closet exceed $1,500,000



Dear Ann,

Thank you to My Sister's Closet and Well Suited for your support of Rancho Coastal Humane Society's programs for people and animals. 

It was eight years ago when you contacted Rancho Coastal Humane Society's Thrift Shop at 120 Aberdeeen Drive in Cardiff by the Sea with an offer to donate merchandise that was lingering in the racks at My Sister's Closet.  

In the beginning we would pick up a few bags at a time.  

Now we pick up between 20 and 30 bags of clothing every week from My Sister's Closet store at 8610 Genesee Avenue and the My Sister's Closet and Well Suited, for the RCHS Thrift Shop, for Rancho Coastal Humane Society's programs and services, and for the customers who shop at our store.  

Over the past eight years, the value of the donations from My Sister's Closet exceed $1,500,000. This is money that supports the RCHS programs for animals and people in our community.  

Thanks to My Sister's CLoset and Well Suited, the animals in Rancho Coastal Humane Society's pet adoption program receive the best care possible. Children are learning lessons in humanity. Senior citizens and their pets stay together because of the food they receive from the RCHS Pet Food Bank. Pet Assisted Therapy dogs visit extended care facilities and struggling students with the gift of "fur therapy." Victims of domestic violence are able to escape with their lives thanks to the safety net of the RCHS Animal Safehouse Program.  

All of this thanks to the generosity of My Sister's Closet and Well Suited.  

Thank you for your support of Rancho Coastal Humane Society, where "Every Animal Deserves a Tomorrow. ®



Jim Silveira, President/CEO